08 Mar

A crisis brings out the good and bad of human nature. The present Coronavirus reveals empathy from people and also racism from some. Yes, precautions are important but not discrimination. Lately there is a  Chinese being beaten up, some Chinese are treated like they have leprosy. I am the fortunate one as so far I haven't encountered any discrimination. There are children bullying children at schools. These little ones won't do this if they are not influenced by their parents. So, parents you need to educate your children about racism, discrimination and teach them to respect, to empathize, to be humane. This is a global catastrophe. It needs combined effort to solve this worldwide problem, so let's forget about our differences and together we overcome this calamity.

當面臨災難時,人性的好壞都會出現。新冠狀肺炎的發生激發了人的憐憫心,但同時也引發一些人會 有種族歧視。提防疫情是非常重要的,但種族歧視就一定不是。有中國人因此而被人毆打,或者被當作生麻瘋一樣。我很幸運沒有遭遇到這種情況。有些小孩子在學校被別的同學欺凌,他們如果沒有大人的影響,是一定不會這樣做的。所以父母家長們,一定要教導孩子,種族歧視是不對的。讓他們學會去專敬,去憐憫,去做一個有同情心的人。這疫情是一個世界性的災難,是需要世人同心協力去解決的。讓我們忘掉我們之間的不同,齊心合力去消除這個巨大而嚴重的災禍。

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